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Install Netdata with .deb/.rpm packages

Netdata provides our own flavour of binary packages for the most common operating systems that use with .deb and .rpm packaging formats.

We provide two separate repositories, one for our stable releases and one for our nightly releases. Visit the repository pages and follow the quick set-up instructions to get started.

  1. Stable releases: Our stable production releases are hosted in the netdata/netdata repository on packagecloud
  2. Nightly releases: Our latest releases are hosted in the netdata/netdata-edge repository on packagecloud

Using caching proxies with packagecloud repositories#

packagecloud only provides HTTPS access to repositories they host, which means in turn that Netdata's package repositories are only accessible via HTTPS. This is known to cause issues with some setups that use a caching proxy for package downloads.

If you are using such a setup, there are a couple of ways to work around this:

  • Configure your proxy to automatically pass through HTTPS connections without caching them. This is the simplest solution, but means that downloads of Netdata packages will not be cached.
  • Mirror the repository locally on your proxy system, and use that mirror when installing on other systems. This requires more setup and more disk space on the caching host, but it lets you cache the packages locally.
  • Some specific caching proxies may have alternative configuration options to deal with these issues. Find such options in their documentation.

What's next?#

When you're finished with installation, check out our single-node or infrastructure monitoring quickstart guides based on your use case.

Or, skip straight to configuring the Netdata Agent.

Read through Netdata's documentation, which is structured based on actions and solutions, to enable features like health monitoring, alarm notifications, long-term metrics storage, exporting to external databases, and more.

Reach out

If you need help after reading this doc, search our community forum for an answer. There's a good chance someone else has already found a solution to the same issue.

