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MongoDB monitoring with Netdata

MongoDB MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program. Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. MongoDB is developed by MongoDB Inc. and licensed under the Server Side Public License (SSPL).

source: Wikipedia

This module monitors one or more MongoDB instances, depending on your configuration.

It collects information and statistics about the server executing the following commands:


Default charts#

Works with local and cloud hosted Atlas database servers

Operations by type#

  • insert in ops/s
  • query in ops/s
  • update in ops/s
  • delete in ops/s
  • getmore in ops/s
  • command in ops/s

Operations Latency#

  • ops reads in milliseconds
  • ops writes in milliseconds
  • commands in milliseconds


  • available in connections
  • current in connections

Connections Rate#

  • created in connections/s

Connections By State#

  • active in connections
  • threaded in connections
  • exhaustIsMaster in connections
  • exhaustHello in connections
  • awaiting topology changes in connections

Network IO#

  • bytes in in bytes/s
  • bytes out in bytes/s

Network Requests#

  • Requests in requests/s


  • resident in MiB
  • virtual in MiB
  • mapped in MiB
  • mapped with journal in MiB

Page faults#

  • Page Faults in page faults/s

Raised assertions#

  • regular in asserts/s
  • warning in asserts/s
  • msg in asserts/s
  • user in asserts/s
  • tripwire in asserts/s
  • rollovers in asserts/s

Current Transactions#

  • current active in transactions
  • current inactive in transactions
  • current open in transactions
  • current prepared in transactions

Optional charts:#

Depending on the database server version and configuration Mongo reports slightly different statistics. We use the serverStatus command to monitor the database. Based on the command output the following may be included:

Active Clients#

  • readers in clients
  • writers in clients

if serverStatus reports global locks active clients

Queued operations because of a lock#

  • readers in clients
  • writers in clients

if serverStatus reports global locks current queue clients

Tcmalloc generic metrics#

  • current_allocated_bytes in bytes
  • heap_size in bytes

if serverStatus reports tcmalloc stats

Tcmalloc metrics#

  • pageheap free in bytes
  • pageheap unmapped in bytes
  • total threaded cache in bytes
  • free in bytes
  • pageheap committed in bytes
  • pageheap total commit in bytes
  • pageheap decommit in bytes
  • pageheap reserve in bytes

if serverStatus reports tcmalloc stats

Acquired locks#

  • global read locks in locks/s
  • global write locks in locks/s
  • database read locks in locks/s
  • database write locks in locks/s
  • collection read locks in locks/s
  • collection write locks in locks/s

Flow Control Stats#

  • acquiring time in milliseconds
  • lagged time in milliseconds

if serverStatus reports flow control

Wired Tiger Charts#

Available only if WiredTiger is used as the storage engine.

Wired Tiger Block Manager#

  • bytes read in bytes
  • bytes read via memory map API in bytes
  • bytes read via system call API in bytes
  • bytes written in bytes
  • bytes written for checkpoint in bytes
  • bytes written via memory map API in bytes

Wired Tiger Cache#

  • bytes allocated for updates in bytes
  • bytes read into cache in bytes
  • bytes written from cache in bytes

Wired Tiger Capacity#

  • time waiting due to total capacity in usec
  • time waiting during checkpoint in usec
  • time waiting during eviction in usec
  • time waiting during logging in usec
  • time waiting during read in usec

Wired Tiger Connection#

  • memory allocations in ops/s
  • memory frees in ops/s
  • memory re-allocations in ops/s

Wired Tiger Cursor#

  • open cursor count in calls/s
  • cached cursor count in calls/s
  • cursor bulk loaded cursor insert calls in calls/s
  • cursor close calls that result in cache in calls/s
  • cursor create calls in calls/s
  • cursor insert calls in calls/s
  • cursor modify calls in calls/s
  • cursor next calls in calls/s
  • cursor operation restarted in calls/s
  • cursor prev calls in calls/s
  • cursor remove calls in calls/s
  • cursor remove key bytes removed in calls/s
  • cursor reserve calls in calls/s
  • cursor reset calls in calls/s
  • cursor search calls in calls/s
  • cursor search history store calls in calls/s
  • cursor search near calls in calls/s
  • cursor sweep buckets in calls/s
  • cursor sweep cursors closed in calls/s
  • cursor sweep cursors examined in calls/s
  • cursor sweeps in calls/s
  • cursor truncate calls in calls/s
  • cursor update calls in calls/s
  • cursor update value size change in calls/s

Wired Tiger Lock#

  • checkpoint lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • dhandle read lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • dhandle write lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • durable timestamp queue read lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • durable timestamp queue write lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • metadata lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • read timestamp queue read lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • read timestamp queue write lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • schema lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • table read lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • table write lock acquisitions in ops/s
  • txn global read lock acquisitions in ops/s

Wired Tiger Lock Duration#

  • checkpoint lock application thread wait time in usec
  • checkpoint lock internal thread wait time in usec
  • dhandle lock application thread time waiting in usec
  • dhandle lock internal thread time waiting in usec
  • durable timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting in usec
  • durable timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting in usec
  • metadata lock application thread wait time in usec
  • metadata lock internal thread wait time in usec
  • read timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting in usec
  • read timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting in usec
  • schema lock application thread wait time in usec
  • schema lock internal thread wait time in usec
  • table lock application thread time waiting for the table lock in usec
  • table lock internal thread time waiting for the table lock in usec
  • txn global lock application thread time waiting in usec
  • txn global lock internal thread time waiting in usec

Wired Tiger Log Operations#

  • log flush operations in ops/s
  • log force write operations in ops/s
  • log force write operations skipped in ops/s
  • log scan operations in ops/s
  • log sync operations in ops/s
  • log sync_dir operations in ops/s
  • log write operations in ops/s

Wired Tiger Log Operations IO#

  • log bytes of payload data in bytes/s
  • log bytes written in bytes/s
  • logging bytes consolidated in bytes/s
  • total log buffer size in bytes/s

Wired Tiger Log Transactions#

  • prepared transactions in transactions/s
  • query timestamp calls in transactions/s
  • rollback to stable calls in transactions/s
  • set timestamp calls in transactions/s
  • transaction begins in transactions/s
  • transaction sync calls in transactions/s
  • transactions committed in transactions/s
  • transactions rolled back in transactions/s

Database Statistics#

Stack chart that include per database metrics for collections, indexes, views, documents and disk size. Because internally the module has to run the dbstats commands once per database and each server may have a large number of databases, these charts are disabled by default. To enabled them please use a matcher in the configuration file to enable the collection for specific or all databases.

For example, to exclude the admin and config databases use:

- "* *"
- "= config"
- "= admin"


Number of collections per database in collections


Number of indexes per database in indexes


Number of views per database in views


Number of documents per database in documents

Disk Size#

Total space allocated to all collections in the database for document storage(including free space) in bytes


Charts are available on replica sets only.

Replication lag#

Time when last entry from the oplog was applied for every member in milliseconds

Replication set member heartbeat latency#

Time when last heartbeat was received from replica set member milliseconds


Round trip time between members and local instance in milliseconds


Charts are available on shards only for mongos

Transaction Commit Types#

Number of initiated and successful no shard, single shard, shard write ,two phasecommits in commits

Shard Nodes#

Number of shard aware vs shard unaware nodes in nodes

Databases Sharding Status#

Partitioned vs UnPartitioned databases in databases

Collections Sharding Status#

Partitioned vs UnPartitioned collections in databases

Chucks Per Node#

Number of chucks per node in chunks


Create a read-only user for Netdata in the admin database.

  1. Authenticate as the admin user.
use admin
db.auth("admin", "<MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD>")
  1. Create a user.
# MongoDB 2.x.
db.addUser("netdata", "<UNIQUE_PASSWORD>", true)
# MongoDB 3.x or higher.
"roles" : [
{role: 'read', db: 'admin' },
{role: 'clusterMonitor', db: 'admin'},
{role: 'read', db: 'local' }


Edit the go.d/mongodb.conf configuration file using edit-config from the Netdata config directory, which is typically at /etc/netdata.

cd /etc/netdata # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different
sudo ./edit-config go.d/mongodb.conf

Sample using connection string:

This is the preferred way

uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017'

If no configuration is given, module will attempt to connect to mongodb daemon on address

For all available options, see the mongodb collector's configuration file.


To troubleshoot issues with the mongodb collector, run the go.d.plugin with the debug option enabled. The output should give you clues as to why the collector isn't working.

First, navigate to your plugins directory, usually at /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/. If that's not the case on your system, open netdata.conf and look for the setting plugins directory. Once you're in the plugin's directory, switch to the netdata user.

cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
sudo -u netdata -s

You can now run the go.d.plugin to debug the collector:

./go.d.plugin -d -m mongodb

Reach out

If you need help after reading this doc, search our community forum for an answer. There's a good chance someone else has already found a solution to the same issue.

