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Install Netdata with

This page covers detailed instructions on using and configuring the installation script named

This method uses a pre-compiled static binary to install Netdata on any Intel/AMD 64bit Linux system and on any Linux distribution, even those with a broken or unsupported package manager.

To install Netdata from a static binary package, including all dependencies required to connect to Netdata Cloud, and get automatic nightly updates, run the following as your normal user:

bash <(curl -Ss

This script installs Netdata at /opt/netdata.

See our installation guide for details about automatic updates or nightly vs. stable releases.

What does do?#

The script does the following after being downloaded and run:

  • Checks to see if there is an existing installation, and if there is updates that in preference to reinstalling.
  • Downloads the latest Netdata binary from the binary-packages repository. You can also run any of these .run files with makeself.
  • Installs Netdata by running ./ from the source tree, including any options you might have added.
  • Installs to cron.daily to enable automatic updates, unless you added the --no-updates option.
  • Prints a message about whether the installation succeeded for failed for QA purposes.

If your shell fails to handle the above one-liner, you can download and run the script manually.

# download the script with curl
curl >/tmp/
# or, download the script with wget
wget -O /tmp/
# run the downloaded script (any sh is fine, no need for bash)
sh /tmp/

Optional parameters to alter your installation#

The script passes all its parameters to, which you can use to customize your installation. Here are a few important parameters:

  • --dont-wait: Enable automated installs by not prompting for permission to install any required packages.
  • --dont-start-it: Prevent the installer from starting Netdata automatically.
  • --stable-channel: Automatically update only on the release of new major versions.
  • --nightly-channel: Automatically update on every new nightly build.
  • --disable-telemetry: Opt-out of anonymous statistics we use to make Netdata better.
  • --no-updates: Prevent automatic updates of any kind.
  • --reinstall: If an existing installation is detected, reinstall instead of attempting to update it. Note that this cannot be used to switch between installation types.
  • --local-files: Used for offline installations. Pass four file paths: the Netdata tarball, the checksum file, the go.d plugin tarball, and the go.d plugin config tarball, to force kickstart run the process using those files. This option conflicts with the --stable-channel option. If you set this and --stable-channel, Netdata will use the local files.

Connect node to Netdata Cloud during installation#

The script accepts additional parameters to automatically connect your node to Netdata Cloud immediately after installation. Find the token and rooms strings by signing in to Netdata Cloud, then clicking on Connect Nodes in the Spaces management area.

  • --claim-token: The unique token associated with your Space in Netdata Cloud.
  • --claim-rooms: A comma-separated list of tokens for each War Room this node should appear in.
  • --claim-proxy: Should take the form of socks5[h]://[user:pass@]host:ip for a SOCKS5 proxy, or http://[user:pass@]host:ip for an HTTP(S) proxy.See connecting through a proxy for details.
  • --claim-url: Defaults to

For example:

bash <(curl -Ss --claim-token=TOKEN --claim-rooms=ROOM1,ROOM2

Verify script integrity#

To use md5sum to verify the integrity of the script you will download using the one-line command above, run the following:

[ "5a55053b11cb1aedbe362daaa3fc3b1b" = "$(curl -Ss | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" ] && echo "OK, VALID" || echo "FAILED, INVALID"

If the script is valid, this command will return OK, VALID.

What's next?#

When you're finished with installation, check out our single-node or infrastructure monitoring quickstart guides based on your use case.

Or, skip straight to configuring the Netdata Agent.

Read through Netdata's documentation, which is structured based on actions and solutions, to enable features like health monitoring, alarm notifications, long-term metrics storage, exporting to external databases, and more.

Reach out

If you need help after reading this doc, search our community forum for an answer. There's a good chance someone else has already found a solution to the same issue.

