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Query formatting

API data queries need to be formatted before returned to the caller. Using API parameters, the caller may define the format he/she wishes to get back.

The following formats are supported:

formatmodulecontent typedescription
arrayssvapplication/jsona JSON array
csvcsvtext/plaina text table, comma separated, with a header line (dimension names) and \r\n at the end of the lines
csvjsonarraycsvapplication/jsona JSON array, with each row as another array (the first row has the dimension names)
datasourcejsonapplication/jsona Google Visualization Provider datasource javascript callback
datatablejsonapplication/jsona Google datatable
htmlcsvtext/htmlan html table
jsonjsonapplication/jsona JSON object
jsonpjsonapplication/jsona JSONP javascript callback
markdowncsvtext/plaina markdown table
ssvssvtext/plaina space separated list of values
ssvcommassvtext/plaina comma separated list of values
tsvcsvtext/plaina TAB delimited csv (MS Excel flavor)

For examples of each format, check the relative module documentation.

Metadata with the jsonwrap option#

All data queries can be encapsulated to JSON object having metadata about the query and the results.

This is done by adding the options=jsonwrap to the API URL (if there are other options append ,jsonwrap to the existing ones).

This is such an object:

# curl -Ss ',jsonwrap'
"api": 1,
"id": "system.cpu",
"name": "system.cpu",
"view_update_every": 600,
"update_every": 1,
"first_entry": 1540387074,
"last_entry": 1540647070,
"before": 1540647000,
"after": 1540644000,
"dimension_names": ["steal", "softirq", "user", "system", "iowait"],
"dimension_ids": ["steal", "softirq", "user", "system", "iowait"],
"latest_values": [0, 0.2493766, 1.745636, 0.4987531, 0],
"view_latest_values": [0.0158314, 0.0516506, 0.866549, 0.7196127, 0.0050002],
"dimensions": 5,
"points": 6,
"format": "csv",
"result": "time,steal,softirq,user,system,iowait\n2018-10-27 13:30:00,0.0158314,0.0516506,0.866549,0.7196127,0.0050002\n2018-10-27 13:20:00,0.0149856,0.0529183,0.8673155,0.7121144,0.0049979\n2018-10-27 13:10:00,0.0137501,0.053315,0.8578097,0.7197613,0.0054209\n2018-10-27 13:00:00,0.0154252,0.0554688,0.899432,0.7200638,0.0067252\n2018-10-27 12:50:00,0.0145866,0.0495922,0.8404341,0.7011141,0.0041688\n2018-10-27 12:40:00,0.0162366,0.0595954,0.8827475,0.7020573,0.0041636\n",
"min": 0,
"max": 0

Downloading data query result files#

Following the Google Visualization Provider guidelines, Netdata supports parsing tqx options.

Using these options, any Netdata data query can instruct the web browser to download the result and save it under a given filename.

For example, to download a CSV file with CPU utilization of the last hour, click here.

This is done by appending &tqx=outFileName:FILENAME to any data query. The output will be in the format given with &format=.

Reach out

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